Safeguarding at MoTIV

Every person who interacts with MoTIV and its spaces has the right to live and work without fear of harm, abuse or neglect regardless of their gender, religion, ethnicity, social standing, physical abilities or age.

MoTIV takes safeguarding seriously by promoting welfare and ensuring the safety of vulnerable adults and children who may be at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation.

Safeguarding is overseen by our Safeguarding Squad constituted of a committee of focal point persons that support the implementation of our Safeguarding policies and practices at MoTIV.

How to report a safeguarding concern

There are various ways to report a safeguarding concern, and the information you pass to us when reporting is treated with utmost confidentiality. However, if we need to do so to keep a child or vulnerable adult safe, we may share relevant information with management and statutory agencies. It is important to note we have onboarded a neutral party Transparency International who will be receiving reports in real time with a secure database in line with data protection legislation.

In Person

If you are in any of our spaces and you or someone you know is at risk of abuse, harm, neglect or exploitation, please contact any of the above-mentioned focal persons for assistance and guidance. In the unlikely event of your not being able to find any of the focal persons please approach any member of staff who will find someone to help you. Similarly, if you witness an event, you find worrying whilst at our spaces, please make a member of our staff aware as soon as possible. You are encouraged to use the contact information displayed here on the website or at any of our spaces to report and seek assistance when required.

Contact Information

By Email

If you are not at any of our spaces, or if you would prefer to communicate your concerns in writing, please complete our Safeguarding Report Form (Form to be shared by Legal) with as much information as possible and email it to

Safeguarding Reporting form

By Phone

At any time, please phone our toll free line 0800 333044 and say that you would like to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern, or that you or someone else needs help. You will be put through to our Safeguarding Advisor. For now, our team runs a free 12 hrs helpline (8.00am -5.00 pm) Feel free to report your matter at this time. 

Our safeguarding policy

The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in our activities is the responsibility of the whole community. The following safeguarding policy outlines how we will work to ensure this care and protection, and to promote a safer environment and working culture to enable innovation to thrive.

Safeguarding focal persons

The Safeguarding focal persons work to ensure the highest standards of safeguarding are being met at our spaces. They report directly to the safeguarding squad, and also have a responsibility to report to the Local Authority in cases where a risk is not resolved at management level. You can download a copy of the focal persons role for reference to learn more about their purpose.

The safeguarding custodian at MoTIV Creations is Chantal Ngenzi, also the Marketing Lead at MoTIV.

Whistleblowing Policy

Social Media Policy

Report any concerns to:, ‎0800 333044

Incident Reporting Process

As soon as concerns are received, we take action. We have onboarded a neutral body and partner Transparency International, who will ensure that all concerns are confidentially, rapidly and effectively responded to – no matter how small. After any immediate steps to look after the survivor, we investigate, and then an investigation report is shared with our Human Resources Team, who ensure that robust disciplinary action is taken against any perpetrators.

Where individuals have been found to have significantly breached our safeguarding policies, they will be dismissed, referred to the authorities where possible.

Reporting Process

Report your concern via Email or Phone number –, ‎0800 333044